
While there are a lot of resources online and “How-To” sites dedicated to crochet, I find that finding information on graphing is relatively light. If it is, available, I feel like there is always a huge chunk missing to really explain how to do it… Especially for newbies like me. I feel like I can crochet just about anything, but have never tried a graphghan as it’s always seemed beyond me.

So… I bucked up… Took a deep breath… And got to researching and figuring it out!

Sites I found most helpful with information on this technique were [I will be linking you directly to the page with their info on graphing for convenience]:

  • The Crochet Crowd – They have an excellent post on how to create graphs for crocheting.
  • Yarn Hookers – This site has an entire series on creating graphghans, color transitions, and reading graphs. I highly recommend reviewing their website if you want to learn this technique.
  • My Photo Stitch – Free website to create graphs out of photos.

Overall, I absolutely loved all the information provided by The Crochet Crowd and Yarn Hookers. I also got on youtube and just did a search for how to create graphghans, and spent several hours watching.

Of course, I decided to go with something a little more difficult, instead of a simple shape. Go big or go home, right?! My boyfriend is a HUGE gamer and thus spent hours fussing over logos and images from various games and he finally settled on Final Fantasy VII — making a special request for something made with that on it.

Original Image:



Image Rendered by My Photo Stitches


FVII Pixelated Image

When I get a little further, I will update on my progress with the afghan!

I hope this information is a little more helpful and can provide a little more direction on how to tackle a project like this.