Decoding Crochet Patterns: US/UK Conversions

Hello again everyone! I realized that on my Reading Crochet Patterns post, I touched on US patterns vs UK patterns. Every country has its own dialect, and patterns are no different! The terms the US uses are certainly a bit different than the UK. But! I don’t think that should stop anyone from creating a fantastic pattern if it’s written using another country’s terms.

In the spirit of “sharing,” below is my conversion chart on simple terms between the US and UK. Hopefully this helps you hook your way through a pattern you just HAVE to create, even if its written in different terms than you are accustomed to!


Chain (ch)→Chain (ch)

Single crochet (sc) → double crochet (dc)

double crochet (dc) → treble crochet (tr)

half-double crochet (hdc) → half treble crochet (htr)

Treble crochet (tr) → double treble crochet (dtr)

Slip stitch (sl st) → slip stich (sl st)

As you can see, the terms and abbreviations are quite different, so it is important to understand what kind of pattern you are reading! Very few are similar, and this can avoid quite a lot of frustration if you know what exactly you are reading! Luckily, most patterns will state if they are written in US or UK terms!