Arrivals and Returns

Wow! It’s been three months, so where have I been? Having a baby, of course! Between college, work and trying to keep up with all my little crochet projects and the blog, I began to feel very overwhelmed, so I opted to take some time off. On May 28th, I welcomed a gorgeous baby boy to the world and since have been quite busy!

While I find that I have less time than I imagined (new mommy mistake, huh?), I’m not giving up on blogging or crocheting. However, I am going to try to be a little more consistent and organized with posts. For now, I will post twice a week – Mondays and Fridays. If I can get more than that in, awesome! If not, expect bi-weekly posts.

I was considering making a few how-to videos… BUT! There are just so many out there that I’m not sure how I would go about doing that. Do any of you think videos would be helpful!? I’m also going to begin posting links to fun crochet-related things I find!

If there’s anything else any of you would like to see or read about, please message me and let me know! I am always open to suggestions. I love hearing feedback!