About Me

I have been crocheting for over 10 years. My “Mama Abuela” (that’s what I call my grandmother) taught me to crochet. When I was younger, my parents used to send me to Puerto Rico to visit family and we stayed with my grandparents. I was absolutely fascinated with what she could do with a hook and some yarn!

I remember we were visiting one particular summer after she suffered from a severe stroke. Mama Abuela suffered from partial paralysis of her right side. However, that did not stop her! She crocheted to rehabilitate her right side. She used to tell me that crochet was therapeutic and it helped her regain mobility to her right hand and arm. I don’t quite recall how old I was at the time… Maybe 9 or 10. She refused to let her paralysis stop her from creating these beautiful works of art — yes, I do consider it art. She spent the entire summer teaching me how to crochet. Patiently, she would demonstrate, and I would follow; she would frog what I did and instruct me to start over until it was right. At the time, the process was frustrating! It definitely taught me not to be afraid to frog my work and start over.

Appropriately enough, making a Granny Square was the first thing she taught me!

For me, crochet is a way to connect with my Mama Abuela, although we are miles and miles apart.

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