Granny Square Day 2: Watermelon Square

IMG_1016Yay! Second square for our 13 Days of Granny Squares! This one was very fun to do. Especially as I got to the white and green.

I used Lily’s Sugar n’ Cream cotton yarn for this and a 4.5 mm hook. But you can use whatever yarn and whatever hook size you see fit. If you’re not sure, I would recommend going with the suggested hook size on the wrapper that comes around your skein of yarn.

Now, keep in mind, this square is going to be larger than the previous squares. Lastly, I can’t recommend this enough – if you can, block your squares. 


(If you need help with any of the abbreviations used, refer to my Abbreviations in Crochet page! A new tab will open for your convenience.)

Here goes!

Watermelon Square


Written using US terms.IMG_1029

Gauge: doesn’t matter for this.

Hook Size: Any

Need 4 yarns:

  • Yarn A – Red
  • Yarn B – Black
  • Yarn C – White
  • Yarn D – Green

[Ch 3= 1 dc]

Rnd 1: Using Yarn A, make a magic ring, ch 1, sc 8, sl st to join.

Rnd 2: Switch to Yarn B; ch 1, sc in same sp, (ch 2, sc in next st); rep 7 times to end, sl st to join.

Rnd 3: Switch to Yarn A, ch 3, in ch-2 sp, 2 dc in same sp, (ch 1, 3dc, ch1); rep to end of rnd, sl st to join.

Rnd 4: Sl st to ch-1 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, (ch 1, skip 1 st, 2 dc in next st, ch 1) to end of rnd, sl st to join.

Rnd 5: Switch to Yarn B, in ch-1 sp, ch 3, ch 1, sc in same sp, (ch2, sc in next ch-1 sp) rep 15 times, ch 2, join with sl st to first sc made.

Rnd 6: Switch to Yarn A, in ch-2 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, (ch 1, 3dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 1) rep to end of rnd, sl st to join.

Rnd 7: Switch to Yarn C, ch 1 in ch-1 sp, sc, (ch 3, sc, ch 3) rep to end of rnd, sl st to end of rnd to join.

Rnd 8: In ch-3 sp, ch 1, 4 sc in same sp, *(hdc, 3 dc) in next ch-3 sp, (tr, ch2, tr) in next sc, (3dc, hdc) in next ch-3 sp, 4 sc in next ch-3 sp ** 4 sc in next ch-3 sp, rep from * twice more then from * to ** once more, join with sl st to join rnd.

Rnd 9: Switch to Yarn D, in ch-2 sp, ch 1 *(sc, hdc, sc in corner ch-2 sp), sc in each st to corner ch-2 sp; rep from * to end of rnd, sl st to join. FO and weave in ends.

For this particular square, you may want to block it; blocking the square will straighten it out. 


If you have any questions, please let me know!

Granny Square Day 1: Treble Granny

The treble granny square is very similar to the traditional granny square (Scroll to the bottom of the link for instructions), only the first 3 rounds are worked in tr instead of dc. I find its better to use different colored yarns to really make the stitches “pop!” but ultimately, it’s up to you.


Just a word of caution: If you plan on using different colored yarns- when I switched the yarn, I basically started at each corner space. If you prefer to do color changes right where the round is joined, it’s a good idea to sl st until you get to the corner sp then ch 3.

Treble Granny Square


Gauge: doesn’t matter for this.IMG_1003

Hook Size: Any

Need 3 yarns:

  • Yarn A
  • Yarn B
  • Yarn C

[Ch 4= 1 tr]

Ch 4 and join to make ring

Rnd 1: With color
A, ch 4, 2 tr, ch 3, 3 dc, *ch 3, 3 tr, ch 3; rep from * two more times.

Rnd 2: Switch to color B, ch 4 in
ch-3 sp, 2 tr, ch 3, 3 tr, in same sp, *ch 1, (3tr, ch 3, 3 tr), ch 1; rep from * two more times, sl t to top of ch 4 to join round.

Rnd 3: Switch to color C, ch 4 into ch-3 sp, 2 tr, ch 3, 3 tr, *ch 1, 3tr, ch 1, 3 tr, ch 1, (3 tr, ch 3, 3tr), ch 1; rep from  * to end of rnd, join with sl st to top of ch4.

Rnd 4: Switch to Color B, ch 1 in ch-3 sp, *(2sc, hdc, 2sc), sc in each st to corner sp; rep from * to end to end of rnd, sl st to first sc to join.

Rnd 5: Switch to Color C, rep rnd 4. FO and weave in ends.

For this particular square, you may want to block it; blocking the square will straighten it out. 




13 Days of Exciting Granny Squares!

The granny square is definitely one of my favorite things to make. With it you can create a variety of different items! However, granny squares can get a little boring. So I’m kicking off “13 Days of Exciting Granny Squares!” Each granny square presented will be a variation of the “classic” granny square, so stay tuned!


For those unfamiliar with a traditional granny square, below is a pattern for how I make them.

Traditional Granny Square


Gauge: Doesn’t matter for this

Hook Size: Any/ whatever your yarn calls for

(Written with U.S. terms)

[Ch 3 worked in rounds = 1 dc ]

Ch 4 and join with sl st to form a ring

Rnd 1: Ch 3, 2dc in ring, ch2, * 3 dc into ring, ch 2 * rep from * twice, join with sl st into top of ch 3. (12 sts)

Rnd 2: Sl st to ch 2 sp, ch3, 2d in same sp,  ch 2, 3dc, *ch 1, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) into next sp; rep from * twice, ch 1, sl st to top of ch 3 to join.

Rnd 3: Sl st to ch2 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, ch 2, 3dc in same sp, *ch 1, 3 dc in next sp, ch 1, ( 3 dc in ch-2 space, ch 2, 3 dc), ch 1; rep from * three more times, 3 dc in next sp, ch 1, sl st to top of ch 3 to join.

Rnd 4: Sl st to ch 2 sp, ch3 2 dc in same sp, ch 2, 3 dc in same sp, *ch 1, 3 dc in next sp, ch 1, 3dc in next sp, ch 1, (3dc, ch 2, 3 dc), ch 1; rep from * thre more times, sl st to top of ch 3 to join rnd.

Rnd 5: sl st to ch-3 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, ch 2, 3 dc in same sp, ch 1, 3 dc in next sp, * ch 1, 3dc in next sp, ch 1, 3 dc in next sp, ch 1, (3dc, ch 2, 3 dc), ch 1; rep from * three more times, l st to top of h 3 to join. FO and weave in ends.

Joining Yarn: The Russian Join

“Yari, how do you join your yarn?” I’ve been asked this question time after time! Honestly, it’s one of my favorite questions because joining yarn can not only be difficult but weaving in those ends from the joins can also be tedious and can easily be the difference between work that looks sloppy and works that looks clean and well done.

My favorite method of joining yarn is the Russian Knot or the Russian Join. I’ve seen both terms used. For the purpose of this post we’re going with Russian Join (RJ). Though it can look a little confusing at first, this method is easy to do! It also means that you don’t have that ugly bulge from joining your yarn with an actual knot. This also means that your yarn won’t slip and come loose. Bonus!? NO WEAVING IN ENDS, YAY!

To do this, you need a large, blunt needle for yarn (whatever you use for weaving in those pesky ends), yarn, and a pair of scissors.

How to do a Russian Join:

  1. Thread your  yarn needle with your current color.IMG_0927
  2. Weave your needle through the yarn. Pull the needle and tail through the yarn and remove the needle. Make sure that there is a loop at the top.IMG_0945
  3. Thread the needle with your new yarn. Pass the needle and yarn through the loop in your old yarn.IMG_0935
  4. Weave the needle through the new yarn just as you did with the old yarn. Pull the needle and tail through the yarn and remove the needle.IMG_0937
  5. Pull both yarn tails taut, closing the loops where the ends of the yarn meet.IMG_0939
  6. Cut the tails of the yarn, then continue working!IMG_0941


Athena’s Elements Crochet Hooks!

Last week I purchased a set of Athena’s Elements crochet hooks from Amazon. I’ve read a lot of positive reviews in regards to their hooks and have been dying to try them! I must say I absolutely fell in love. 917cUnXjzdL__SL1500_

So anyone that knows me knows I generally hold off on buying tons of crochet hooks. First of all, they can get pricey after a while. Secondly, while a lot of us hookers love to build collections of yarns and hooks, the truth is that once you find a brand you like.. you just stick to it.  I’ve tried Boye hooks – not my thing. I absolutely adore Susan Bates hook -and here comes the but… a really big BUT, my fingers and joints ACHE after prolonged usage. With the ache comes swelling, and after that I have no choice but to take a break from crocheting. So, after the Bates hooks, I fell in love with Clover Amour hooks. For anyone that uses and/or owns those specific hooks, you know that they’re comfortable. The achiness and swelling is definitely reduced by a lot, plus I can crochet for longer periods of time before my fingers are telling me to stop. However, the downfall to these hooks are the price – they are EXPENSIVE. Being a stay at home mom with a part time job, I don’t necessarily want to spend a ton of money on a set of hooks. Sure, I love to crochet but I don’t want to break the bank.

While I have been using mostly Clover hooks these days, I’ve been keeping an eye on Athena’s Elements. I actually found myself needing to purchase an ergonomic 6.5mm hook for an afghan I’ve been working on. The set from Clover that I have did not come with it. Sure,  I was making due with my Bates hook, but it was killing my fingers and hands.

This is where Athena’s Elements came in to play: I purchased this set from Amazon for $14.99. It includes 10 crochet hooks and 10 stitch markers as well as a nifty little case for your hooks – I chose the purple case. 81jdlWyWbiL__SL1500_

The handles on the hooks are vibrant and soft. The ergonomic design definitely eases the ache in my joints from crocheting. Now, the hook itself it a little longer than usual and it is tapered. At first, I wasn’t sure how I would like it, but it definitely comes in handy for projects that require stitches with lots of loops. I also crochet very tightly, I’ve found that the slightly pointed end helps get the hook into the yarn also. The set that I purchased comes with sizes 2 mm, 2.5mm, 3 mm, 3.5mm, 4mm, 4.5mm, 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, and 6.5mm hooks. It’s a great variety as far as a hook set goes and covers most of the basic sizes. They have another set that includes a 7mm and 8mm hook – I definitely recommend purchasing that one. It’s a little pricier, but you get a whole lot more and it’s definitely worth it!

Now, I just need to take a moment to *rave* about the case! It feels like it’s a sort of canvas-like material with adorable little floral patterns on the outside. The case shuts with a Velcro and it actually stays shut rather well. Yes, the outside is beautiful, but the inside is what I love the most! The slots fit the hooks really well. My favorite part is the plastic flap at the top that keeps the hooks from falling out. It makes it a great travel case and it can certainly withstand being juggled around in your bag while you go about your day. How do I know? I’m the crazy yarn lady that walks around with a small skein of yarn and a few crochet hooks – just in case, y’know.

Now if there are any cons to this product, my only comment would be that to me the handle feels a little sticky. I can’t say that it’s a big issue for me; it just surprised me when I first used it but then got used to the feel. If you can get past the stickiness of the first use, you’ll realize it has a great grip.

*Overall recommendation: Totally worth the buy. You get more than what you pay for.  If you’re looking for a durable ergonomic set of hooks without spending a small fortune, definitely give Athena’s Elements a try! Trust me, after being a die-hard Clover fan, I have to say Athena’s Elements is a great investment.