Farewell, Wink

I suppose I’ll make this post very short and simple. I just wanted to pay my respects to the very wonderful Wink of Creative Being – a crochet blog. For those that don’t know (I believe by now, much of the crochet community is aware of the very sad news) she took her own life last Friday. It’s very saddening to see such a brilliant person lose the battle with depression. It’s a very dark, lonely place and often times very difficult to claw your way out of that darkness.

I followed her blog for quite some time and learned so much from her! Although her passion for crochet couldn’t save her, please take some time to view her blog.. Hopefully it can brighten some of our days! There are wonderful tutorials and patterns available for readers.

A Creative Being

Good bye Wink. Thank you for all that you have shown and offered to so many of us. I hope you are in a better place now. 

Dishcloths! Dishcloths! Dishcloths!

Do away with nasty, filthy sponges and make a dishcloth! 

I think these are one of the most practical household items you can create. They are great, long-lasting, and durable in the fight against dirt and grime. For the most part, I think that dishcloths are relatively easy and quick to work up. I like to make them when I want to keep my hands busy, but don’t necessarily want to devote a ton of time to a project. There are also a ton of FREE patterns for all sorts of dishcloths out there.

Personally, I hate using sponges to clean up my kitchen counters and dishes. I always have this mental image of germs just collecting in them and spreading. What I really like about using the crochet dish cloths is that you can throw it in the washer and dryer and can reuse them instead of disposing of a gross sponge. Plus! I can make a ridiculous amount of them in all sorts of different shapes and styles. I like to use Lily’s Sugar N Cream yarn to make these because they are 100% cotton. Also, I am all about bright, happy colors and this brand has TONS of colorful skeins! They even have scented ones which are fun to play with also.

So, in honor of dishcloths AND the coming 4th of July holiday, I present to you a few FREE patterns!

Stripey Star Dishcloth

Stars and Stripes Crochet Dishcloth

American Flag Dishcloth

 * Little Star Dishcloth

American Flag Crochet Dishcloth


Arrivals and Returns

Wow! It’s been three months, so where have I been? Having a baby, of course! Between college, work and trying to keep up with all my little crochet projects and the blog, I began to feel very overwhelmed, so I opted to take some time off. On May 28th, I welcomed a gorgeous baby boy to the world and since have been quite busy!

While I find that I have less time than I imagined (new mommy mistake, huh?), I’m not giving up on blogging or crocheting. However, I am going to try to be a little more consistent and organized with posts. For now, I will post twice a week – Mondays and Fridays. If I can get more than that in, awesome! If not, expect bi-weekly posts.

I was considering making a few how-to videos… BUT! There are just so many out there that I’m not sure how I would go about doing that. Do any of you think videos would be helpful!? I’m also going to begin posting links to fun crochet-related things I find!

If there’s anything else any of you would like to see or read about, please message me and let me know! I am always open to suggestions. I love hearing feedback!