Did you ever think you would be obsessed with yarn?

On Friday, my best friend and I went to Joann’s to see what kind of sales they have… Okay, let me be honest.. I whined and whined about wanting to go until she offered that we go, haha. Now, I promised myself that I wouldn’t go shopping on Thanksgiving or Friday for two very specific reason: 1) don’t spend anymore money 2) I used to work retail and I know what that craziness is like and figured I could be one less person to make a retail workers day hectic. But, as we all know, I still went to Joann’s.

Now, the whole point of going was to look at knitting needles. Lately, I’ve been wanting to learn so I have one more thing to add to my list of “Random-Stuff-I-Know-How-To-Do.” Needless to say, I never bought the needles. Instead I got distracted with the yarn — all the wonderful, beautiful, colorful yarn!

As I’m moving back and forth between the aisles like a mad-woman who just forgot the promise she made to herself about not shopping on Black Friday, my best friend is walking behind me watching with both amusement and a bit of boredom, I’m sure — it’s not easy staring at a bunch of yarn when, you know, it’s not your interest, after all. Anyways, I start stressing about finding the right skein of yarn for a cowl. After setting it down, and picking it back up, then setting it down again, and repeating with a different color, I finally just opt out of buying yarn, because.. Well… A promise is a promise no matter how much I love to hoard yarn: I wasn’t going to shop!

So, out of nowhere, my best friend laughs at me and asks “Did you think a few years ago you would have imagined yourself being so obsessed with yarn?” The question made me stop — I think I even ran into a peg full of pipe-cleaners or pompoms or.. something. Now, it’s funny that she would ask me because let’s face it… No one knows me better than my best friend.

The truth is, no, I never thought I would be so obsessed with yarn… not in a million years. Although I’ve known how to crochet for a long time, I’ve usually only bought yarn for the current project I’m working on. My interest in crochet has always been present and a part of who I am, but frankly, I’ve always been too busy with other “hobbies” to really give myself a chance to explore and really get yarn-crazy.

In the past year, I have become completely obsessed, which is true enough. More importantly, I’ve been thinking about my grandparents and my family in Puerto Rico more and more. Unfortunately, I am not great at calling and keeping up, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love them or miss them or think about them any less. Crochet.. Yarn… Creativity… It’s something that I feel will always be connected to them and my dad. When my grandmother taught me, she did so with so much love and patience, I feel like it would be a crime not to want to get better and use the craft she passed onto me — a craft I would love to teach to my children, and their children as well.

Do you have a craft/hobby you are currently “obsessing” over?