Happy Bobble Baby Blanket Part 2

I just couldn’t wait to share my progress on my fantastic little blankie! So, here it is!!!


Here is the length so far.


Up-close look at the little bobbles

I am having so much fun working on this! I absolutely love how the bobbles help to create textures and stripes along the width of the blanket.

I will surely be sad when it is all finished… But that may just be a while! I completely ran out of Berroco’s Comfort Multi Baby Yarn, so I can’t continue until I pick more up… And it’s looking like it will be more work to find than I anticipated.. None of my LYS seem to carry the Comfort brand, which means I will have to order online… Until I receive the shipment, it looks like I might just be starting another project to keep myself busy.

Black Friday – Colorful Pouch!!!


I made a very colorful Friday project for myself today. I absolutely love my new little clutch which I am going to use as a hook holder 🙂

I used Sugar n’ Cream yarn for this.  This yarn is a little rough but will hold up well against a lot of use… and it is also washable. This yarn is definitely good for more than creating dishcloths!

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for?

I’m thankful for:

  • A strong sense of family and close friends
  • Having a great, supportive partner
  • Positivity
  • Creativity so that I may always keep my hands busy 🙂
  • My job, my continuing education and motivation to always do “more”

I would like to wish you all a great Thanksgiving! I hope it is filled with yummy food, laughs, and great company!

Lost and Found

I can’t even remember how old I was when my grandmother taught me how to crochet. It was well over 10 years ago. I remember that when she taught me, she took me to this little fabric store in the “pueblo” and bought me a pretty powder blue crochet hook. Before that, she gave me one of her pink ones… Well, somewhere along the way, I lost them, bought other hooks to replace them, got rid of them or gave them away, and repeated until I bought my wonderful set of Susan Bates hooks — for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why I was so drawn to them…


…Well, last week I was going through my stash and reorganizing and guess what I found at the very bottom of one of my containers!?




Yep, those are my very first two crochet hooks!!!

Of course, they are S. Bates hooks and completely priceless to me. :] I’m so delighted to have found them after not seeing them for such a long time! (When I was younger, I used to cry when I couldn’t find them, haha) Now, they’re safely in my little case with my other lovely hooks (though probably a little more loved than the others, but we won’t tell them, will we?).

Busy Hands

As much as I love crochet,  I simply can’t do it in a silent room.  It’s so relaxing that it makes me sleepy if I’m not doing anything else.  I find that im the most productive when I crochet and watch TV at the same time! It seems like a perfect balance since I can’t just watch TV and do nothing else; my hands have to stay busy.

What about everyone else?  Any tricks you have for being more productive? What do you do while you crochet/knit?