
I’ve had trouble deciding what exactly to post lately… Not so much for lack of ideas, but more so, lack of crochet-time! However, my little “block” vanished after buying a couple of baby afghan pattern books. Oh man… and I have to say… I was pretty excited to have soooooo many wonderful patterns to work on!

….Wrong! I absolutely hated all the patterns in the book! Don’t get me wrong, they look beautiful in photos, but really, not for me. I ended up frogging all of my work. I had even worked on one for two weeks before frogging it! I feel like it wasn’t just the patterns, but the yarn that was uninspiring…..

I took a trip out to Galena, IL last week and found this wonderful little Knit and Yarn shop… And gasp! Found the most wonderful, soft yarn to play with! Ā I purchased 6 skeins of Berroco Comfort Yarn – 4 in Robin’s Egg (9714) and 2 in Multi-Baby (9811). It is knitting worsted weight, but I find it wonderful for my project!

Take a peek at my work so far!




For this project, I used a series of single crochets, and double crochets. I did not use a pattern from any book, and decided to just start working double crochets and see where it took me! I ended up making these beautiful little bobbles across the blankie. I think it looks sweet and fun…. And most of all, perfect for a baby blanket!!!




Ironically, enough, it reminds me of the very first “afghan” I crocheted waaaaaaaaaaaaay back whhhheeeeeeeen. I made one huge granny square for my grandmother and it was in the same pastel blues, whites, pinks, greens, and yellows as Berroco’s Multi-Baby yarn. I thought it was the best blanket ever and it felt like I worked on it for eons! ….And well, the truth was that it was only big enough to cover my grandma’s feet!




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